One of the best ways to insure your success when working in a service business it to under promise and over deliver. This is what we are doing for clients of our Craigslist service. We are taking content that we are publishing for them on and using it to pump feeder sites. A good example of this is what we did to help clients sell used cars in Savannah.
While this may have little if any automotive seo value it is a great way for us to test some of our theories. This will give us the opportunity to monetize any traffic these sites gain and to see how well they index. It will provide a great case study in automotive marketing if it works. It is unfortunate that many dealers do not realize the true value of efforts like this.
If you have been stuck in a rut trying to promote other peoples programs and not making any money you may want to look into setting up your own service based business. It is the best thing I have ever done.
Technorati Tags: automotive marketing, automotive seo, service
While this may have little if any automotive seo value it is a great way for us to test some of our theories. This will give us the opportunity to monetize any traffic these sites gain and to see how well they index. It will provide a great case study in automotive marketing if it works. It is unfortunate that many dealers do not realize the true value of efforts like this.
If you have been stuck in a rut trying to promote other peoples programs and not making any money you may want to look into setting up your own service based business. It is the best thing I have ever done.
Technorati Tags: automotive marketing, automotive seo, service