Monday, December 24, 2007

Are they really going to protect the members

In comments in the previous post what I believe to be one of the program owners in the Downline Integrity Brigade made the following comment:


The suggestion that DIB is responsible for protecting members and acting on their behalf when a program goes pear shaped is incorrect. I'm sure the DIB participants would inform members of suspect programs...but as a courtesy rather than a responsibility.

This proves the point that the only concern of the Downline Integrity Brigade is to protect their own programs and not really take care of the members.

Program owners and uplines have a responsibility to those they recommend programs to. If they do not stand up for the people they say they are protecting, what benefit is it for the members to blindly follow the recommendations of the program owners?

The whole premise of Downline Integrity Brigade not being responsible to the members as being preached by the commenter from Victoria, Australia should prove the point that they do not really care about the members just their own programs and their own promotional efforts.

Downline Builders place the program owners at the top of the pyramid and is a perverse marketing scheme that claims to protect members and ,as shown by TeckyHead's comments, does not wish to really protect their members by coming forward when a program bust.

I believe TeckyHead is Gary Smith from WhirlWind Traffic, I may be wrong. The IP address is from his area and he has been the only one to try and publicly stand up with ill conceived claims.

Maybe TeckyHead should go back and keep working on ".... being comfortably poor again."

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Voice2Page - NetAudioAds - PayPerPlay and the Downline Integrity Brigade Sitting on it's hands

The voice2page affiliate program was launched through various downline builders inside of the but one of the biggest pushes was from the largest program inside of the Downline Integrity Brigade.

While they scream their war cries of protecting the members they have yet to come forward and do the right thing in helping people recover money wasted in voice2page on their recommendation.

The pitch was simple. Sign up for voice2page and when NetAudioAds is launched we would be the leading affiliate base to profit from ad plays. Since the announcement of PayPerPlay not a single individual from the Downline Integrity Brigade camp has come forward to put pressure on voice2page to do the right thing by it's affiliates.

Instead they have tucked their head in the sand and ignored the members despite their resilience to protect the members. The recent email sent by Voice2Page to all of the affiliates claiming the Voice2Page affiliate program a bust and that refunds would be issued to those that requesting them was prompted by pressure from me.

However there does seem to be members who have requested them that have not received refunds and the Downline Integrity Brigade has yet to step forward to assist the members it is supposed to protect.

It appears that the whole concept appears to be lip service designed to keep the crabs in the pot with no real intention of helping members unless it benefits them.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

A retraction is in order

I am retracting the statement about suing the Australian mentioned below who was incorrectly identified as European.

With that being said I have never said that Mr Gerhing is the owner or creator of the Downline Integrity Brigade. I have referred to him as the leader. He has dedicated special resources for them to use in his forum.

This blog would of never been created and the issue would have been clearly been dropped by me and life would of moved on. But I quote "If I have to see Mr. Rushings propellor of lies one more time I'm going to be sick." Until then it had only been opinion he made it personal first.

Now the cheerleaders continue to bash me in support of his behavior. Even after I offer reconciliation of sorts to move on and now Mr Smith and Mr Loucks keep hammering away.

Since Mr Smith wishes to continue to refer to me as a liar he too will receive notice of service soon.

Defamation and Libel from the Proponets of the Downline Integrity Brigade

The Downline Integrity Brigade cheer leaders have not liked the contents of this blog. They started their campaign using terms like crooks and thieves at the onset. Although I do not have the supporting content to document it is an accepted fact. I am sure it can be compelled to be produced if need be.'s definition of Libel states (not the entire definition):

1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others.

I have been accused of issuing lies here, by Don Locuks and Gary Smith with the intent to malice me. They say the information you find here is deceptive and full of lies. I have proffered to both to show me where I have lied and I will gladly retract it or completely remove the content and neither has responded.

Gary is fortunate that he is in (Europe) Australia and to pursue a libel and defamation claim against him may be arduous, however Don Loucks only lives a few hours from me and unless his libelous comments are retracted or proof offered where I have lied I will peruse all available remedies available to me through the courts.

If Mr Gerhing wishes to pursue me for the comments made here he is entitled to do so. But let me remind you that opinion when expressed as such is not libel per se and truth is an absolute defense to a libel claim.

I have business to attend to in Fayetteville, NC after the first of the year and have already made contact with an attorney in that area to enforce my claim. A retraction is in order.

GA Bar mandated disclaimer -
"I am not an attorney, anything you read here is not legal advice. If you are dealing with a situation similar to this consult an attorney. I am not authorized to practice law, I have only given my opinion as to how I understand the law."

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Integrity is a Character Trait

Integrity is a character trait. The definition of your character is reinforced by your actions. You do not have the right to claim integrity it is a trait that is earned.

My integrity has come under fire from the likes of Rob Gerhing, Don Loucks and Fran Klasinski and other vocal voices in the Support of the Downline Integrity Brigade. They don't like the opinions that I have offered nor do they like the truths they found here.

It is not my place to judge my own integrity no more is it a right for people to announce theirs. I do not know one person that I have slighted in a way that cannot be backed up by fact. If it reflects upon my integrity and you make judgment on my character based on supposition that is your own choice.

When people claim a right that they have not earned it shows a genuine character flaw. When they make one claim and their actions are different it makes them a liar.

You can not claim a badge of Integrity it must be bestowed upon you. The only way you can be viewed as a person of integrity is through your actions.

The proponents of the Downline Integrity Brigade have used various methods to denigrate opposing opinions, the GOBs have claimed that it is a flawed idea and I have claimed traffic exchange use and downline builders are a waste of time of time for the new Internet Marketer.

I don't cater to the GOB and have had opposing views thrown at me by them as well. I do not cater to either side of the argument. I do not even use traffic exchanges or Downline Builders as a primary marketing vehicle. The search engines take care of my finances nicely.

I thought it was comical when it surfaced and still feel that it is, when people try to make up for their own flaws by claiming a badge of Integrity. It is unfortunate for both camps as they both have alienated consumers of their products. Surely the strong will survive. The over/under on the Downline Integrity Brigade is 180 days. I will take the under.

Has this battle been fought with Integrity. That is a decision that only you can make.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Moneylegs - 10K Hits Fails to Maintain "Downline Integrity"

Many people wonder why I am trying to dominate the SERPS for the keywords "downline integrity" and "downline integrity brigade". If you will read my previous post you will realize why people need to be educated about his way of doing business and how he abuses his program members this combined with Mr. Gering's Libelous Statements against me and others will be the downfall of the Downline Integrity Brigade unless they find another cheerleader.

As recently as 11-22-07 well after all of the hoopla about downline integrity started Mr. Gerhing was using the mailing list at 10k Hits as a personal marketing list. Here is a screen shot of the where the Downline Integrity Brigade leader was not following the spirit of downline integrity.

Here is the email sent by the Downline Integrity Brigade Leader.

You will notice the link at the bottom to quickonex. To preserve Rob's lack of Downline Integrity I have saved a screed shot of this page as well.

You will notice the link on the Support Page for 10k has a link to Rob's Personal Site. How is it practicing "downline integrity" when the support page from 10K Hits points to the Downline Integrity Brigade leader's personal marketing page.

Ok Rob now run back under your rock and apologize to all of your members for being a parasite, like you always do when you get called out on your unethical behavior. You had the opportunity to prevent your exposure when the whole debate started on downline integrity, but you failed to acknowledge me when I sent you instant messages. I was going to warn you to tone down your rhetoric You made it personal by calling me a liar after ignoring my attempts to contact you.

If the Downline Integrity Brigade is to be successful it needs a real new leader FAST.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why I left 10 K and the MoneyLegs Program

People are wondering why I left 10K / Moneylegs and consider Rob Gerhing's diatribe about downline integrity laudable. Let me reemphasize this before hand. I would of never latched on to this noise had they started the Downline Integrity Brigade with Integrity. Instead the Downline Integrity Brigade crowd is using terms like unethical, criminal and using libelous statements to support their position.

I was diagnosed with a serious health problem in the fall of 2006. At that time I was a very active participant in the 10K program but because of the health issues I stopped participating as much. I had built a large downline and was still bring new people in even during my health problems. I was considered one of the "leaders".

I had a new referral come in and proceed to sign up for every upgrade under the sun. Rob then abused his power at the program owner to introduce this person to Ultimate Rep, which I was a member of under Rob.

The rules at 10K were you did not receive the contact info for second level downlines. So the only way Rob had this individuals contact information was as a program owner. Rob abused his power as the program owner and circumvented downline integrity.

Rob may of sent this new member to my Ultimate Rep page but Rob knew that I did not like the program and the only things that I was involved in at Ultimate Rep was GDI and Empowerism, however the only paid program at UR that this new member signed up for was Prowealth Solutions. hmm says I.

I never openly promoted Ultimate Rep

Once I contacted that person he informed me that Rob encouraged him to join Prowealth Solutions from UR which passed the referral directly to Rob since I was not a member.

That is why I left 10K and Moneylegs. I am glad Rob did this because it opened up my eyes to his parasitic behavior he learned from two masters in these types of antics. I will not speak ill of the dead and really only have true knowledge of one that did these types of antics. I am not familiar with Doug.

Rob's actions showed me that he does not practice what he preaches. He abused his admin privileges at 10K, he is the owner, to contact an individual about a non 10K program for his own gain. If he would of only been an upline at 10K he would of never had this information or the ability to contact this person.

His actions were against his own rules at 10K and did not show upline or downline integrity.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Why the Downline Integrity Brigade is Destined to Fail

The Downline Integrity Brigade is destined to fail due to the fact that it's driving force is a poor leader. It would appear that he thrives drama. Although I intend to outline the exact incidents as to why he is a poor leader I have done a more "civil" article about it at

Downline Integrity Brigade a Flawed Idea

It will explain why the Downline Integrity Brigade does not have a chance of making it. But to give you a simple one line reason why:

The Main Player Does Not Practice What he Preaches!!

Downline Integrity Brigade's Driving Force has Always Used His Programs as a Personal Marketing Platform

Rob Gerhing has always used his traffic exchange as a personal marketing platform. He ties to layer it to not appear obvious. If you will notice in the "admin" email that he sends out he uses the quickonex link for people to submit support issues in.

When you arrive at the quikonex page it links to his personal sales pitch for Ameriplan. While he may not be using this now in admin emails he has been doing it since 3/06 until at at least Thanksgiving of 2007.

All the while protesting when other program owners send emails to their membership promoting other products. He is doing the same thing that he whines about on public forums and has been doing for over a year and a half that I can verify.

Sir Thou Protesteth Too Much

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Now that Rob has thrown down the Gauntlet it is Time to Play with the Big Boys!!

Mr Gerhing took the opportunity to libel me in his forum now it is time to expose him and his program for what they are. He will shortly understand the concept of "Fair Use" as I have just purchased a portfolio of domains and they will be optimized in such a way as you will not be able to see any mention of his team when you use any major search engine to search for "downline integrity" and "downline integrity brigade" will not be far behind.

He usually makes remarks like this in the heat of passion then begs for forgiveness. No amount of begging is going to work now. I will use this blog to highlight some of the interactions I have personally had with him and expose how he uses his influence solely for personal gain.

His rhetoric reminds me of Clinton testifying at his impeachment trial.

"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."