In comments in the previous post what I believe to be one of the program owners in the Downline Integrity Brigade made the following comment:
The suggestion that DIB is responsible for protecting members and acting on their behalf when a program goes pear shaped is incorrect. I'm sure the DIB participants would inform members of suspect programs...but as a courtesy rather than a responsibility.
This proves the point that the only concern of the Downline Integrity Brigade is to protect their own programs and not really take care of the members.
Program owners and uplines have a responsibility to those they recommend programs to. If they do not stand up for the people they say they are protecting, what benefit is it for the members to blindly follow the recommendations of the program owners?
The whole premise of Downline Integrity Brigade not being responsible to the members as being preached by the commenter from Victoria, Australia should prove the point that they do not really care about the members just their own programs and their own promotional efforts.
Downline Builders place the program owners at the top of the pyramid and is a perverse marketing scheme that claims to protect members and ,as shown by TeckyHead's comments, does not wish to really protect their members by coming forward when a program bust.
I believe TeckyHead is Gary Smith from WhirlWind Traffic, I may be wrong. The IP address is from his area and he has been the only one to try and publicly stand up with ill conceived claims.
Maybe TeckyHead should go back and keep working on ".... being comfortably poor again."
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