Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Downline Mean Nothing - Make your own destiny!!

If you provide a product or service that provides value then you have no need to worry about downlines or any other type of "member program".  I have build a successful business helping brick and mortar businesses promote themselves online.  A good example is writing about Union County used car dealers to help them show up when consumers are looking for their offers.

You can also build up a business by offering service like automotive SEO, dealer search engine marketing or craigslist for car dealers.  While I did not build my cred in the car business overnight and builing an online business will not happen over night for you either but if you stick with it you can succeed.  You just can't do it by filling others program for success.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Myths Used as Education - It just not in Downline Programs

One of the common denominators in web marketing is many use education as a marketing tool. The problem is much of it is cool aid fueled bs. As most are aware that have read this blog they know how bad an idea the downline integrity brigade was and know it did not last long.

Now I have moved efforts over to the automotive services niche and witness bs there as well. One of the biggest myths given that I have seen is "SEO takes ages" and it caused me to do an article title about dealer.com search engine marketing, and another about automotive search marketing. Both articles raised the dander of www.dealer.com.

Another article I did about automotive pay per click is also getting a lot of traffic mostly because it exposes myths in the automotive search engine marketing realm.

What will be fun to watch over the coming months is how automotive web vendor solutions fare as car dealers become more educated and start seeing through the smoke and mirrors!!

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